All PaintPlus paints certified eco-friendly
For PaintPlus, being environmentally friendly is not a marketing ploy. It is the reason for our existence. If a product doesn’t meet environmental standards, we don’t make it. Simple as that. Every single product and every single process at PaintPlus is geared to limit or avoid environmental impact.
All our products meet or exceed the criteria of Environmental Choice EC07-09 which are set and audited according to the ISO 14024 standard – a distinction no other paint company has achieved.
Environmental Choice labelling is among the best in the world, according to a global study commissioned by the UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra). Defra concluded that Environmental Choice provides a credible and independent guide for consumers who want to purchase products with reduced environment impacts. Environmental Choice is a standard other certifiers should refer to, said Defra (Defra report, 15 July 2008).
Environmental Choice Trust is a member of the Global Ecolabelling Network (GEN) an international network of national programmes also operating to the ISO 14024 standard.
So you can have full confidence that by buying PaintPlus you are playing your part in protecting our precious environment.
View Environmental Choice Certificate